PhD and Alumni Workshop (Alexandra Leonzini and members of ISHA PhD Committee)

This workshop is designed for PhD students (and Masters students who would like to apply for a PhD programme), but is also open to members of the ISHA Alumni as auditors.

During the first part of the workshop, participants will present and discuss their research topics (or parts thereof) in 20 minutes with a special emphasis on their sources and methodologies used as well as any questions that have arisen during the research process. After each presentation there will be a 10-15 minutes for extensive discussions (abstracts will be required in advance).

The PhD workshop will be based on the “work in progress” principle and offer the chance to its participants to get feedback and critique from their colleagues (from different countries and fields of History) about their on-going research. Participants will not only be able to present and discuss their work, but also about the struggles and benefits of undertaking such work, places to go to start or to do research (libraries, scholarships), findings and just about ideas that they may have and want to share with the others.

In the second part of the workshop, the participants will contribute to the development of a new project of ISHA called ‘the PhD database’ that aims to provide information about PhD programmes and scholarships in countries and cities in which ISHA is represented.

Finally, a special part of the programme will be dedicated to discussing how to write a proper research plan, especially for those who are in the application process for a PhD programme or funding.